1067: The Power of Storytelling in Scaling Businesses | Matt Collis, CFO, PairSoft
Ep 40: From Constraints to Collaboration
In this episode of “Planning Aces,” finance leaders explore the evolving role of FP&A as a strategic partner emphasizing the importance of reliable data in aligning decision-making and resetting priorities. The CFOs discuss how setting clear constraints enhances strategic planning and drives more thoughtful decision-making. Leveraging AI emerges as a key theme for optimizing financial […]
1,041: Rethinking How Metrics Can Align with Business Evolution | Josh Schwartz, CFO, Medidata
703: Driving Future Performance | Harmit Singh, CFO, Levi Strauss & Co.
What Metrics are Important to a Mining Enterprise? | Peter Mitchell, CFO, Coeur Mining, Inc.
The Growth Ultimatum and the Rise of the SaaS CFO
The tribe of finance leaders commonly identified as “SaaS CFOs” are today busily developing the tools and management practices destined to reshape the finance function. It was not quite 100 years ago that Donaldson Brown arrived inside the offices of General Motors Corp.’s finance department. The future GM CFO had distinguished himself years earlier by […]