892: Understanding Your Customer From the Inside Out | Jason Quinn, CFO, Vendr
Three CFOs Talking About AI and How It’s Influencing Their Strategy Discussions
How an NFL Revenue Marker Gave Way to a New Strategic Plan | Chris Halpin, CFO, IAC
Halpin: The one that sticks with me was in 2017, they asked me to become Chief Strategy Officer and build a long term strategic plan at the NFL. And it was a recognition that, you know, the media landscape was changing so much social media was impacting every part of our business, for the good […]
890: Driving the Internet Sharetaker | Christopher Halpin, CFO, IAC
889: Whetting Wall Street’s Tech Appetite | Ben Chrnelich, CFO, Symphony
888: Accelerating in the Controlled-Growth Lane | Paolo Poma, CFO, Lamborghini
Why the Journey Matters | Galit Yaakobovitz, CFO, AmyriAD
CFO GUEST: Galit Yaakobovitz of AmyriAD Yaakobovitz: I think it’s also a part of my personality. Uh, I like the journey, and I’ll tell you about my personal life later, but, uh, I, I like to enjoy the journey. And if I’m, uh, in a certain path and I enjoy it, I don’t really care […]
887: From Tech to Biotech: Enjoying Today’s Journey | Galit Yaakobovitz, CFO, AmyriAD
Expanding Horizontally: The Key to Long-Term Business Growth | Alka Tandan, CFO, GainSight
CFO GUEST: Alka Tandan of Gainsight Tandan: I think, you know, one of the, the biggest one, um, you know, was essentially at Gainsight when we had to sort of make a decision where, you know, how were we gonna expand? Were we going to, you know, we’re mostly in the enterprise space and there […]