892: Understanding Your Customer From the Inside Out | Jason Quinn, CFO, Vendr
891: Climbing the Multi-Product Ladder | Jim Cox, CFO, Clearwater Analytics
How an NFL Revenue Marker Gave Way to a New Strategic Plan | Chris Halpin, CFO, IAC
Halpin: The one that sticks with me was in 2017, they asked me to become Chief Strategy Officer and build a long term strategic plan at the NFL. And it was a recognition that, you know, the media landscape was changing so much social media was impacting every part of our business, for the good […]
890: Driving the Internet Sharetaker | Christopher Halpin, CFO, IAC
Using AI to Help Drive the Investment Process | Ben Chrnelich, CFO, Symphony
CFO GUEST: Ben Chrnelich of Symphony CFOTL: Since the start of the year, chat GPT is everywhere, it seems, and it’s impacting everything. Can you tell us within your organization, whether it’s been part of the discussion whether whether people have come to you, and you’ve been surprised at the different conference tables, it’s been […]
889: Whetting Wall Street’s Tech Appetite | Ben Chrnelich, CFO, Symphony
888: Accelerating in the Controlled-Growth Lane | Paolo Poma, CFO, Lamborghini
Why the Journey Matters | Galit Yaakobovitz, CFO, AmyriAD
CFO GUEST: Galit Yaakobovitz of AmyriAD Yaakobovitz: I think it’s also a part of my personality. Uh, I like the journey, and I’ll tell you about my personal life later, but, uh, I, I like to enjoy the journey. And if I’m, uh, in a certain path and I enjoy it, I don’t really care […]