Machine generated transcript Gouneva: I would probably say until a few months after I joined, we were very focused on top line growth, and majority of what we report and how we will report is premium, which for us is indication of top line growth. And we had to make a shift given everything else […]
880: When Success Begets Risk | Teodora Gouneva, CFO, NEXT Insurance
Teodora Gouneva was enjoying one of the more satisfying chapters of a 25-year finance career when she began hearing voices again. She tells us that although for most of her work trajectory she had been able to ignore them, on this occasion the contentment that she had so carefully guarded began to give way. The…
Listen to the Episode Below (00:45:47)
879: Where SaaS Roots Run Deep | Bas Brukx, CFO, Allego
With regard to finance leaders who are counted among the ranks of today's SaaS CFOs, it goes without saying that 20 years ago, most were somewhere other than at SaaS companies. In fact, many of them have no doubt arrived inside the SaaS realm only within the past 10 years or so as part of…
Listen to the Episode Below (00:44:54)
A Look Inside the Consumer’s “Market Basket” | Don Bassell, CFO, ARKO Corp.
CFO GUEST: Don Bassell of ARKO Corp EPISODE: 878: When the Path Rises to Meet You Made Possible by Versapay The first Collaborative Accounts Receivable Network. Our AR automation solutions and next-generation B2B payments network make billing and payments easier for enterprises, increasing efficiencies, accelerating cash flow, and dramatically improving the customer experience. Visit us […]
878: When the Path Rises to Meet You | Don Bassell, CFO, ARKO Corp.
As we have been interviewing CFOs from different industries, many finance leaders have told us that they had bracketed the CFO office as their preferred career destination beginning from Day One of their professional lives. Still others have reported that it was only due to the intervention of a determined mentor that they were able…
Listen to the Episode Below (00:57:52)
60 Sec Stories (March)
Bas BrukX, CFO, Allego (Episode #879) Don Bassell, CFO, ARKO Corp. (Episode #878) Gary Zyla, CFO, AssetMark (Episode #877)
877: The Transformative Transaction | Gary Zyla, CFO, AssetMark
It was the type of CFO position that Gary Zyla probably would not have been able to find outside of Genworth Financial, a financial services company that he had first joined in 2004. Not that his resume didn’t already have some solid CFO prerequisites, but the leadership challenge that Zyla was about to take on…
Listen to the Episode Below (00:49:14)
Here’s Where We Drive Value | Jim Young, CFO, Coalition
CFO GUEST: Jim Young of Coalition, Inc. EPISODE: 876: Exposing Where Business Value Resides
876: Exposing Where Business Value Resides | Jim Young, CFO, Coalition
Looking back on their career-building years, few finance leaders ever forget the first time that they presented to a board of directors. For many, the stares of the individual directors around the table remain locked in time, forever evergreen. For Jim Young, the gazes that stay ever-present are some that were cast not from across…
Listen to the Episode Below (00:37:09)
Reflections on an IPO Milestone | Eliran Glazer, CFO,
CFO GUEST Eliran Glazer of EPISODE: 875: Connecting People and Processes
875: Connecting People and Processes | Eliran Glazer, CFO,
Eliran Glazer’s finance career journey began in the late 1990s at the Tel Aviv office of KPMG, where as a 20-something he spent 3 years auditing a portfolio of fast-growing software companies. As the year 2000 approached, Glazer was suddenly being recruited by an Israeli-American CFO who was seeking to fill a controller position—and…
Listen to the Episode Below (00:45:36)
874: Completing Your Visibility to Predictability Framework | Wailun Chan, CFO, Grafana Labs
No matter how many chapters Wailun Chan’s finance career ultimately spans, the decade that he spent at LinkedIn will always stand out. It perhaps goes without saying that as a finance career investment, a 10-year resume stint is increasingly rare today, and it’s not uncommon for a “decade investor” looking back on his or her…
Listen to the Episode Below (00:43:34)