When CFO Robert Linder highlights what distinguishes the dining experience at Lazy Dog Restaurant & Bar, it’s easy to imagine him as a friendly host escorting us across a lively dining area filled …
673: Advancing Down the Transformation Path | Will Bondurant, CFO, Castlight Health
Years from now, when Castlight Health CFO Will Bondurant reflects back on the varied chapters of his finance career, he may title the current one "The Turnaround"—that is, if he and Castlight CEO …
Growth-Minded CFOs Weigh The Costs Of Forecasting Rigor
This article was originally published on Forbes.comThinking back to his investment banking days at Deutsche Bank, Brad Kinnish recalls having had a number of awkward conversations with corporate CFOs …
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672: Finance From the Top Down | Tom Berquist, CFO, TIBCO Software
When an inquisitive software analyst takes a seat across the table from TIBCO Software CFO Tom Berquist, the inquisitor may not know that TIBCO’s finance leader once sat on their side of the table and …
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671: Why the Best-Laid Plans Are Continuous | Shane Hansen, CFO, Planful
It was a meeting that Planful CFO Shane Hansen tells us he was not looking forward to. The SaaS developer’s FP&A team had discovered a “fairly large” forecasting error, and Hansen deemed it …
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670: Judgment: At the Heart of Every Decision | Gary Golden, CFO, Cherwell Software
If we were asked to boil down our discussion with CFO Gary Golden to a single word, our answer would be: “judgment.”It perhaps goes without saying that having good judgment is a prerequisite for every …