API Integration Helps Finance Leader Reboot Client Pricing | Peter Walker, CFO, Sterling
Guest CFO: Peter Walker Episode: #822: The CFO Trifecta: Finance, Strategy, Leadership | Peter Walker, CFO, Sterling
Building Your CFO Resume | Michael Sumruld, CFO, Parker Wellbore
Guest: Michael Sumruld Episode: 821: When Leaders Want More | Michael Sumruld, CFO, Parker Wellbore
Ep 15: Employee Engagement & the Less Social World
Brett & Jack discuss how learning and development is one of five key elements of employee engagement – and explore reasons why L&D too often gets overlooked. Featuring the commentary and insights of workplace champions CFO Dave Bernhardt of SentinelOne, CFO Joan Hilson of Signet Jewelers and CFO Herald Chen of Applovin. The following is a machine-generated transcript produced […]
760: Transitioning from Platform-Led to Product-Driven | David Brolsma, CFO, WP Engine
759: The Making of a Milestone Year | Dave Bernhardt, CFO, SentinelOne
756: Start-Ups, SPACs, and Street Fights | Michael Levine, CFO, Payoneer
700: The Rewards of Adding Structure | Alex Amezquita, CFO, Herbalife Nutrition
The Mentoring Round
What Do You Wish Someone Had Told You at the Start of Your CFO Career? No one knows the industry and financial profession quite like the CFO thought leaders in this eBook. Get insight from 25 CFOs about what they think future thought leaders need to know to succeed in a changing marketplace. Download the […]