Louis Berger CFO Luke McKinnon Shares Key Milestones in Creating a Forward-Looking Organization
185: Understanding How People (Not Metrics) Drive the Business, Bona Allen, CFO, Kajima Building & Design Group
It may seem like a trite idea - one designed to keep executives nodding in agreement. However, when a CFO says what matters most in business is people, we tend to ponder the thought all the more …
Collaborative Influence: While Bono Trumps Pope, CEO Trumps CFO – New Way to Work
IBM's Storyteller Louis Richardson and Nevine White of the Beyond Budgeting Round Table - take a break from group discussions to answer our most daunting question. …
Would You Rather Work for a Firm That Uses Fax Machines or a Firm that Uses Budgeting (what’s the difference?)
Nevine White of the Beyond Budgeting Round Table answers our questions at Boston's New Way to Work gathering …