Is your company part of the subscription economy? Join us as Tyler reveals his CFO mind-set and the how the fruits of digital recurring revenue are quickly altering how companies acquire and engage …
Main Content
065: Digital Customer Engagement: A Warning Label for CFOs
Is your firm about to experience a customerpocalypse? Join us as Alan Trefler, CEO, Pegasystems, shares insights from his new book Build for Change and urges CFOs to help their firms radically change …
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064: Positive Energy: A Prescription for the Cheerless CFO, Brenda Morris, CFO, 511 Tactical
What if CFOs were largely known for their positive energy? Join us as Brenda reveals her CFO mind-set as well as the energetic personality that has propelled her finance leadership and advanced her …
063: Knowing Your Customer’s Lifetime Value: Rob Hull, Founder of Adaptive Insights
What’s a CFO to do when he sees his reflection through the lens of a business opportunity? Join us as Rob shares his entrepreneurial CFO mind-set and reveals the A-ha! moment that led him to start up …
062: How Finance & Innovation Became Triggers for Growth, Bill Chorba, CFO, NineSigma
What is it like to be CFO of a firm that specializes in open innovation? Join us as Bill shares his CFO mindset and reveals the inner-workings of a firm dedicated to helping its clients recognize the …
061: Midmarket Firms Expected to Boost Employment as Economic Optimism Grows
Why are middle-market business leaders increasingly optimistic about the economy? Join us as Tom Stewart, Executive Director, The Center for the Middle Market shares his insights and analysis of the …