What's it like to be CFO of a firm that likes to boast of having facilitated more than $10 billion in early cash flow to the supplier community. Join us as John shares his CFO mind-set and the …
Main Content
104: Consulting and Employment: The Blurred Line, Karl Hardesty, CEO, Hardesty LLC
Where does consulting end and employment begin inside the burgeoning world of interim CFOs? Join us as Karl Hardesty CEO and co-founder of “CFO-for-hire” upstart Hardesty, LLC helps us to chart the …
103: Cloudy with a Chance of Added Margin: CFO Renée Hornbaker Arms Stream Energy With a Dynamic Monthly Forecast
What's it like to be CFO of a $7 billion energy firm that's grown largely by word of mouth? Join us as Renée shares her CFO mind-set and quickly advances a 21st Century finance function inside a …
102: Why Finance Leaders Must Walk the Floor, Jackie Barry Hamilton, CFO, Intronis
What's it like to serve as a CFO of a large-enterprise firm versus an emerging-growth firm? Join us as Jackie shares her CFO mind-set and reveals how her finance leadership has evolved from one career …
101: Identifying Your CFO Blind Spots, Harry Feuerstein, Merryck & Co
Where do many CFOs experience blind spots? Join us as Harry Feuerstein explains how CFOs must routinely review the needs of their various stakeholders as they seek to enhance their roles and become …
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100: The Data-Driven Firm: Five CFOs Share Their Big Data Visions
What role should the CFO play in a data-driven business? Join us as five of our CFO Thought Leaders share insights into how their leadership is helping their firm's advance as data-driven …
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