As she approaches her 20th year with BSI Group, Sarah Murphy repeats the word “variety” when asked why she turned a blind eye to other opportunities outside the company known to many as an exemplar of …
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534: Finding Your Operational Footing | Constance Minc, CFO, IFS
When a company opts to recruit a finance leader from the “outside world,” it’s not uncommon these days for the future CFO to first serve in a provisional role—one that can provide a wide view of the …
Continue Reading about 534: Finding Your Operational Footing | Constance Minc, CFO, IFS →
533: Taking the Temperature of Your Business | Jeff Friedman, CFO, Savi Technology
When asked about which numbers have been top-of-mind since his arrival two years ago inside the CFO office at Savi Technology, Jeff Friedman quickly mentions accounts payable, receivables, and …
532: How the CFO Office Cured an Operations Itch | Erik Ostrowski, CFO, AVROBIO
“A CFO role was something that I had not yet really envisioned for myself,” explains CFO Erik Ostrowski when asked about the investment banking chapter of his early finance career. Still, Ostrowski …
531: An Appetite for Opportunity | Jamie Cohen, CFO, ANGI Homeservices
The recent opening of a Chicago office of ANGI Homeservices is one that the firm would like to replicate, but not in terms of size (the site has a capacity for roughly 100 sales representatives) or …
Continue Reading about 531: An Appetite for Opportunity | Jamie Cohen, CFO, ANGI Homeservices →
530: Embracing the Age of Mobile Finance | John Orton, CFO, Amplify Credit Union
For most of us, the act of “throwing the book” at someone is just an expression meant to conjure up the image of a judge throwing a book of laws at a criminal as punishment. However, the visual that …