CFO GUEST: Jeremy Klaperman of Rho EPISODE: #866 Metrics for the Masses …
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CFO GUEST: Jeremy Klaperman of Rho EPISODE: #866 Metrics for the Masses …
Continue Reading about Making Numbers Matter Across the Organization | Jeremy Klaperman, CFO, Rho →
Not unlike many of his CFO peers, Jeremy Klaperman spent the early years of his finance career in trying to rectify the damage brought on by the irrational market behaviors of the late 1990s and early …
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Our resident thought leader Brett Knowles explains how artificial intelligence is already being used to predict employee turnover, job satisfaction, and other key metrics, allowing managers to take …
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CFO GUEST: Anup Singh of Illumio EPISODE: #865: Achieving A Strategic Alignment …
It’s perhaps no surprise that the late 1990s came to mind for Anup Singh when we asked him to share with us a finance career lesson or insight from his past.It seems that our CFO guests have become …
Continue Reading about 865: Achieving a Strategic Alignment | Anup Singh, CFO, Illumio →
CFO GUEST: Steven Mitchell of Redgate Software EPISODE: #864: Excelling Beyond Your Comfort Zone …
Continue Reading about Beyond Your Comfort Zone | Steven Mitchell, CFO, Redgate Software →