800: When the Road Rises to Meet You | John Herman, CFO, Movable Ink
Had the opportunity to work in the treasury department at American Express arrived 6 months earlier, there’s a chance that John Herman may never have landed in a CFO office.“Treasury was an area that …
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799: When Metrics Do the Talking | Adam Ante, CFO, Paycor
When Adam Ante first arrived at Paycor in 2017, the seasoned finance executive was tasked with prodding Paycor management to begin monitoring daily performance metrics.“At first, it was about building …
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How Managers Impact Employee Retention | Efrain Rivera, CFO, Paychex
How AI is Behind Document Processing’s Next Great Wave
Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) is gaining traction across the U.S. mortgage industry as demands for end-to-end automation are more robust than ever, spurred by rising home sales and a …
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798: A CFO Links Past to Present | April Downing, CFO, Khoros
It was in the late 1990s when public accountant, savvy networker and future CFO April Downing decided that it was time to leave Dallas.“I had cultivated my network there really early—there was a group …
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