Steve and Jack discuss how building trust may be an FP&A professional's greatest skillset. Featuring commentary and FP&A insights from Planning Aces: CFO Puneet Pamnani of KORE Wireless, CFO …
Main Content
762: In Step with the Digital Beat | Tania Secor, CFO, R/GA
When CFO Tania Secor looks back at the early years of her finance career, she can’t help but revisit her decision to accept a position with the McGraw-Hill Companies.For a half-dozen years, Secor had …
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761: Finding Your Operational Cadence | Scott Walker, CFO, Clarity Software Solutions, Inc.
"First, create a deep understanding of how to match your first 90 days with where the company is in its lifecycle. Your primary responsibility is to the executive team followed by your responsibility …
Ep 13: Hiring is the Beginning of Your Go-To-Market Funnel
Brett and Jack weigh-in on Zoom firing squads, the move to hybrid workplaces and hiring’s enormous impact on your company’s funnel. Featuring the commentary and insights of workplace champions CFO Jim …
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760: Transitioning from Platform-Led to Product-Driven | David Brolsma, CFO, WP Engine
"Be a customer-inspired leader who values and fosters positive relationships. A key to success is devoting time and effort to influencing all stakeholders—peers, employees, board members, investors, …
759: The Making of a Milestone Year | Dave Bernhardt, CFO, SentinelOne
"Success is certain if you surround yourself with great leaders, operators, and teammates … and work harder than them." –Dave Bernhardt, CFO, SentinelOneHow should a textbook rental company respond …
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