What should any CFO know about his or her CEO before accepting an offer? Join us as Samuel shares insights into the critical C-suite pairing that remains an organizational linchpin for most businesses. Learn what virtue Samuel believes every finance executive must acquire in order to become a CFO.
BlackLine Systems Financial Close Suite helps finance executives rapidly reconcile millions of transactions per minute. View a free demo today visit www.CFOthoughtleaderdemo.com
Midmarket Change Agents: Finance Executives and the Flow of Actionable Data in Middle-Market Firms YOURS FREE – A Middle-Market Executive/Blackline Systems Report
How experienced is your CEO?
“My experience shows that a CEO who has worked well with CFOs in the past will continue to work well with CFOs in the future. However, if a CEO comes from a background of purely sales and has only been made a CEO recently, they may not have enough experience to get the best out of a CFO when compared to someone who has been in the CEO role for a while with a CFO at their side.”
Partnering with Private Equity Firms
Book Pick
Guide to CFO Success: Leadership Strategies for Corporate Financial Professionals (Wiley Corporate F&A) By Samuel Dergel
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