What must a CFO do to have the finance function be recognized as a strategic asset within the firm? Join Ed as he shares the CFO mind-set that has allowed him to elevate finance from a bookkeeping and reporting function to one that helps to influence the strategic decision-making of the firm’s management.
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Finance Philosophy
“The company had been around for 12 years by the time I arrived. I think that it had done a very good job of the blocking and tackling when it came to day-to-day accounting and finance, but the finance function was not thought of as a strategic asset inside the company. … My goal was not only to really help management to think strategically, but also to do so with financial insight.”
Key Metrics
“We look at the size of the customer and their percentage of adoption in paper billing vs. electronic. A key metric for us is what percentage of our revenue we are generating from electronic billing, which is about 42 percent of our billing today.”
Mentoring Round
“It’s important that the CFO makes certain that they are actively spending time with all of the managers and understanding the challenges they have and getting to know the constraints they have. It’s too easy as a CFO to be focused on the corporate goals and numbers. … What I have found valuable as a CFO is my experience in a startup environment, where I was involved with each of the departmental areas.”
Business Applications
Ed’s productivity tool Toodledo
Book Pick
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…And Others Don’t By Jim Collins
Interview Links
- Ed’s Site
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