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An Early Dose of Pharma Start-Up Experience
When Global Blood Therapeutics (GBT) CFO Jeffrey Farrow says that he took the corporate-finance career path less traveled, he really means it. As an undergraduate biology major, Farrow and a couple of entrepreneurial-minded postdocs hit upon a way to identify a protein thought to cause Alzheimer’s. The group licensed the technology from the University of California system and launched their own company, “which we naively thought we maybe could take public,” Farrow recounts. He and his co-founders instead wound up selling their venture to a larger neuroscience company. The experience helped Farrow, who managed the start-up’s business side, shed his naiveté via a potent dose of real-world experience. After a stint in public accounting, Farrow returned to the pharmaceutical industry, where he’s subsequently taken on numerous CFO and finance executive positions while leading IPOs, shepherding high-growth companies toward (and through) acquisitions, and guiding early-stage pharma companies through the regulatory approval process and commercial launch of new drugs.
Guest: Jeff Farrow
Company: Global Blood Therapeutics (NASDAQ: GBT)
Headquarters: San Francisco, CA