Having been a software entrepreneur, technology investor and restructuring advisor, Steffen Parratt says his divergent career has long been fueled by technology transformation, a pairing that would ultimately lead him to the CFO office of KCG Holdings, Inc. , a financial services firm specializing in market making and high frequency trading. Join us when Steffen charts his path from engineering PHD to restructuring agent to finance leader, and shares his technology-driven vision for the future of finance.
What are your priorities as a finance leader over the next 12 months?
Steffen: Well, what I’ve told the finance team and the company, and the board, and investors, is the next 12 months is we are heavily investing, and we — all 954 of us — are all focused on creating this new platform. And I think we’re going to really see 2018 see it perform. Hopefully, there will be good market conditions.
And it’s exciting for all of us because this has been a lot of work, and we’re all working towards this vision. And we’re very focused about this. We, as a company, define what needs to be done in this transformation over the 12 months. We take those goals, we publish them on our internal website. We then work out: my goals, my direct goals. And we push those goals down so that everyone is pulling in the same direction.
So that’s going to be a lot of hard work for 12 months, but that is our focus, and its to create this new platform or unveil this new platform.