What does it take to be a strategy-minded CFO? Join us as Roop explains how a strategy mindset has helped to influence his career path and enhance the role finance today plays across the support.com organization.
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Finance Philosophy
- “The numbers tell a story. And what’s important is that the finance executives and the business at large understand the numbers and what the story actually is. So, let’s make certain that we understand the business. Let’s make certain that we understand what the drivers of the business are. When you do that, you can then really understand the numbers of the business.”
Key Metrics:
“Because our business is both a software company and a services company, we really need to look at business metrics for each and the business drivers for each. When we look at the cloud computing aspect of this, we look at the pipeline and the stage progression for the deals that are going through. What are the annual contract value and the lifetime contract value? What is our cost per unit for delivering a particular platform? How does this compare with our current pricing, and what are our current margins?”
Mentoring Round:
“Don’t ever think that business success is about one individual or one piece of technology. What makes businesses successful is the people and having the right people for the right jobs at the right time.”
Interview Links
- Roop’s site