To maximize the benefits of “local autonomy,” the management of Guardian Pharmacy shares ownership in its “business units” with local management teams—a fact that has made collaboration between Guardian’s locally managed partner organizations and its enterprise support team the central mission of CFO David Morris, whose lines of sight into Guardian’s patchwork of entrepreneurial businesses continue to yield rich insights into the processes and best practices that have been steadily fueling the growth of America’s third largest long-term-care pharmacy.
“I think that we have a unique opportunity because not only are our financial people inside these pharmacies able to do finance—which, by the way, is operational finance, where they’re really helping to run these businesses—but also they are often wearing an HR hat that varies between 20 percent and 40 percent of their time, depending on how large the pharmacy operations are. So it really gives a core finance person the ability to spread their wings and grow in areas that a traditional financial-type role would not offer.” –David Morris, CFO
Guest: David Morris
Company: Guardian Pharmacy
Headquartered: Atlanta