As A.I. technologies eliminate the functional silos that have long managed a company’s bodies of knowledge, finance leadership must become more focused on the socialization of ideas and solutions across the company, according to Brett Knowles, a performance management thought leader and advisor.
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Brett Knowles | Brett is a long-time thought leader in the performance measurement space. Over the last twenty years he has worked with Drs. Kaplan and Norton and has had clients referenced in each of their books. Brett has assisted over 3,000 organizations from around the world and in all sectors from AT&T to Zeneca, the IRS to the City of Kingston. His clients have had as many as 250,000 employees and as few as 5. He is the co-founder of the first Balanced Scorecard application, has developed numerous measurement concepts around intangible assets, and has served on countless editorial boards and conference constructs.