Is your firm about to experience a customerpocalypse? Join us as Alan Trefler, CEO, Pegasystems, shares insights from his new book Build for Change and urges CFOs to help their firms radically change the rules of customer engagement.
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CFOs & Change: Fewer Rigid Goals, More Agile
“CFOs have historically been part of the problem, and this has to do with that magic moment when the CEO asks: ‘What exactly am I going to get? When am I going to get it? And how much is it going to cost?’ We have to get CFOs to be much softer as to what the deliverables are, in exchange for a quick cycle time that makes certain that if something isn’t going right, it can be cut off. It’s a trade-off between overly documenting and analyzing and having additional risk, but being way more agile. CFOs are central to how companies will succeed or struggle in this new, dynamic world.”
Book Pick
Build for Change: Revolutionizing Customer Engagement through Continuous Digital Innovation By Alan Trefler
Interview Links
Alan’s Site
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