What will the CFO role be ten years from now? Join us as Ash helps us to peer inside the c-suite of the future, and uncover the scope of responsibilities being shouldered by industry’s future finance leaders.
The Scope of Finance
“The role of the CFO is becoming more operational … and while this is the trend we all see happening, it does depend on the CFO and their organization. The CFOs to whom I speak tell me that they spend only 35 percent of their time today on core accounting and finance activities, and the rest of the time, they’re business-facing.”
Non Financial Measures
“The minute you go into the realm of nonfinancial performance measures, you are really in the realm of operations — and you need to understand the key business drivers. You need to understand the numbers that are the outcome of these drivers, and how do the numbers connect, and what is the picture that comes into view when you connect these dots? It has become more and more important for financial professionals to be able to provide these pictures to the business.”
Parting Words
“Even though the scope of the role is changing and there are separate challenges, volatile conflicts, and an ambiguous environment, all of this provides the finance professional with a great opportunity to bring value to the business.”