How can CFOs drive change within their organizations? Join us as Dr. Dan Fogel of Wake Forest University explains why management so often fails when it comes to driving change across organizations. Learn what motivates employees to buy into and embrace change.
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Making the Case for Change
“Change is a process. and this process is one that is not always that smooth when it goes from stage to stage. … The hardest part of this process is the first part — establishing the need for change — because this is where management makes its case for people to buy-in. If you don’t get this part right, the rest doesn’t work.”
1. Establishing the need for change
2. What is the vision for change
3. Making changes
4. Getting the changes to stick
Mission Statement
“The roll of the mission statement is that it tells us not only what we are doing but why we’re doing it. … Companies are purposeful organizations — they exist to achieve goals. They are not like markets that exist to facilitate transactions. Organizations are goal-driven, and therefore the mission statement helps to clarify why I come to work every day and why I’m doing what I’m doing. The importance of the mission statement to CFOs is that if they relate their tools and processes to the mission statement, they are going to be a heck of a lot more effective.”
Book Picks
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us By Daniel Pink
Commit to Win: How to Harness the Four Elements of Commitment to Reach Your Goals By Heidi Reeder
Reverse Innovation: Create Far From Home, Win Everywhere By Vijay Govindarajan
Interview Links
- Wake Forest’s Site
- Wake Forest University’s Center for Energy and Environment & Sustainability
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